I'm using ionic angular and creating checkboxes from dynamic data in rows and columns, only single checkbox is getting selected from all.
I want to select only one checkbox from each row and do a total of all the values of all NgModel's
My code snippet...
<ion-row *ngFor="let eachVariation of productDetails.productVariations; let i = index">
<div *ngFor="let eachVariationOption of productDetails.productVariations[i].variationOptions">
style="margin-bottom: 0.5em">
(click)="selectVariation(eachVariation, 'yes')"
You have to give the same name the inputs that have to be together in a group.
<input type="radio" name='group_1'/>
<input type="radio" name='group_1'/>
<input type="radio" name='group_2'/>
<input type="radio" name='group_2'/>
will give you 4 radio buttons that are grouped into 2 groups of 2.
In your case you have to name them in the inner loop with something that is available in the outer loop for instance the index or a field that is in the eachVariation object.
<input type="radio" [name]=""eachVariation.name"
Assuming name exists in eachVariation.