I am using cocotb version 1.5.2, and I would like to write an utility function to create reports/plots per test.
MWE: Implementing the get_test_name
function so that the following test will print my_wonderful_test
import cocotb
async def my_wonderful_test(dut):
def get_test_name(dut):
pass # how do I get the current test from here?
Thank you for the commenters, and thank you @FabienM for trying to give an answer. Thank you for @Tzane for trying to find an answer. You were close.
If you want to know a one liner answer
import cocotb;
def get_test_name():
return cocotb.regression_manager._test.name
but the underline prefix in _test
maybe it will break in the future, but for since I was only concerned about version 1.5.2
this is OK for me.
Any way I implemented another method that scans the stack one level at a time and check if the frame is in a cocotb.test decorated function. This is also the method that cocotb uses to _discover_tests
It won't work if the test is in a closure, but I never use that, and I don't know if it is even supported.
import cocotb
import inspect;
import sys
async def test_get_testname(dut):
print('Runnign from test ', get_test_name())
def get_test_name():
return cocotb.regression_manager._test.name
cocotbdir = '/'.join(cocotb.__file__.split('/')[:-1])
frame = sys._getframe();
prev_frame = None
while frame is not None:
# the [documentation](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getmodule)
# says
# Try to guess which module an object was defined in.
# Implying it may fail, wrapp in a try block and everything is fine
module = inspect.getmodule(frame.f_code)
func_name = inspect.getframeinfo(frame).function
if hasattr(module, func_name):
ff = getattr(module, func_name)
if isinstance(ff, cocotb.test):
return func_name
prev_frame = frame;
frame = frame.f_back;
# return None if fail to determine the test name
I don't know why my questions are so badly received
It was something simple that I preferred to engage more people