Ok so I am working on a Random Pokémon Generator and every time the user clicks the generate button it picks a random number between 1-905(Number of Pokémon in National Dex). I am able to show the image, name/id, and typing of the Pokémon that is generated. What im stuck on is how to change the color of the background of the container/class that the Pokémon is displayed in based on the typing of said Pokémon. Say the Pokémon's typing is grass I would want the background to be a green color. I really don't know where to start to even do this.
I am using PokeApi
const pokemongenerated = document.getElementById('pokemongenerated');
const fetchPokemon = () => {
const array = [];
const randomID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 906) + 1;
const url = `https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/${randomID}`;
array.push(fetch(url).then((res) => res.json()));
Promise.all(array).then((results) => {
const pokemon = results.map((data) => ({
name: data.name,
image: data.sprites['front_default'],
type: data.types.map((type) => type.type.name).join(', '),
id: data.id,
const displayPokemon = (pokemon) => {
const pokemonHTMLString = pokemon
(pokemon) => `
<ul class="card">
<img class="card-image" src="${pokemon.image}"/>
<h2 class="card-name"> ${pokemon.id}. ${pokemon.name}</h2>
<p class="card-type">Type: ${pokemon.type}</p>
pokemonGenerated.innerHTML = pokemonHTMLString;
1.Create a typeCss on object 2.Make css styles for all type
const pokemongenerated = document.getElementById('pokemongenerated');
const fetchPokemon = () => {
const array = [];
const randomID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 906) + 1;
const url = `https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/${randomID}`;
array.push(fetch(url).then((res) => res.json()));
Promise.all(array).then((results) => {
const pokemon = results.map((data) => ({
name: data.name,
image: data.sprites['front_default'],
type: data.types.map((type) => type.type.name).join(', '),
typeCss: data.types.map((type)=>type.type.name).join('--'),
id: data.id,
const displayPokemon = (pokemon) => {
const pokemonHTMLString = pokemon
(pokemon) => `
<ul class="card pokemon-type type-${pokemon.typeCss}">
<img class="card-image" src="${pokemon.image}"/>
<h2 class="card-name"> ${pokemon.id}. ${pokemon.name}</h2>
<p class="card-type">Type: ${pokemon.type}</p>
document.querySelector('#pokemonGenerated').innerHTML = pokemonHTMLString;
//so on
<div id="pokemonGenerated"></div>