I want to set a Text component's color dynamically. When there is a disable condition then change to another color.
import React from "react";
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
type TextType = {
text: string;
disable: string;
export const Text: React.FC<TextType> = ({ text, disable }) => {
return <TextStyle disable>{text}</TextStyle>;
const TextStyle = styled.span`
${({ theme }) => css`
color: ${(props) =>
props.disable ? theme.color.text : theme.color.disable};
The props.disable
got error
Property 'disable' does not exist on type 'ThemeProps<DefaultTheme>'. [2339]
The theme
export const theme = {
color: {
text: black,
disable: blue,
I want to use it as
<Text disable text={text} />
<Text text={text} disable={disable} />
Is it necessary to define a disable
property in theme const?
i think it is because the first argument in your styled component Text is 'theme', while it should be props. so in your case there is a confusion between theme and props. try this see if it works :
import React from "react";
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
type TextType = {
text: string;
disable: string;
export const Text: React.FC<TextType> = ({ text, disable }) => {
return <TextStyle disable={disable} >{text}</TextStyle>;
const TextStyle = styled.span`
${(props) => css`
color: ${ props.disable ? props.theme.color.text : props.theme.color.disable};
Also, the disable prop that you are passing in your component is not the same as the disable property in your theme. If you do not wish to have a different name for each as to avoid confusion, may be you should at least say that the disable you are passing into your component as a prop is of type boolean, like so :
type TextType = {
text: string;
disable: boolean;