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PostgreSQL: Exclude null value from comparison across columns

Imagine this table:

id   col1    col2    col3    col4
1    A       A       C
2            B       B       B
3    D               D

I would like to add a column that tells me if all not-null values of the row match.

So the ideal output is:

id   col1    col2    col3    col4   is_a_match
1    A       A       C              FALSE
2            B       B       B      TRUE
3    D               D              TRUE

I have tried:

select *,
         when col1 = col2
                and col2 = col3
                and col3 = col4
         then 'TRUE'
         else 'FALSE'
     end as is_a_match
from my_table

But would return false for all due to the null values.

What is the best way to achieve the output above?


  • You could transform the columns to rows, the count the distinct values. That will automatically ignore NULL values:

    select t.*,
           (select count(distinct x.col)
            from (
              values (t.col1), 
            ) as x(col)
            where x.col is not null) = 1 as is_a_match
    from the_table t

    If you don't want to list all columns manually, you can use some JSON magic to turn the columns to rows in order to count the distinct values:

    select t.*, 
           (select count(distinct x.val)
            from jsonb_each_text(to_jsonb(t) - 'id') as x(col, val)
            where x.val is not null) = 1
    from the_table t