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SkiaSharp displays svg file in black color in xamarin forms

I am using nuget packages

  • SkiaSharp.Svg
  • SkiaSharp.Views.Forms
  • SkiaSharp.Extended

The problem is some SVG files display fine, but others show me all black and I have no idea why that is, If you could help me please I would be very grateful

This is a helper class to render the SVG files:

public class SVGImage : ContentView
    // Bindable property to set the SVG image path
    public static readonly BindableProperty SourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
      nameof(Source), typeof(string), typeof(SVGImage), default(string), propertyChanged: RedrawCanvas);

    private readonly SKCanvasView canvasView = new SKCanvasView();

    public SVGImage()
        this.Padding = new Thickness(0);
        this.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
        this.Content = this.canvasView;
        this.canvasView.PaintSurface += this.CanvasView_PaintSurface;

    // Property to set the SVG image path
    public string Source
        get => (string)this.GetValue(SourceProperty);
        set => this.SetValue(SourceProperty, value);

    /// <summary>
    /// Method to invaldate the canvas to update the image
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bindable">The target canvas</param>
    /// <param name="oldValue">Previous state</param>
    /// <param name="newValue">Updated state</param>
    public static void RedrawCanvas(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
        SVGImage image = bindable as SVGImage;

    /// <summary>
    /// This method update the canvas area with teh image
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The sender</param>
    /// <param name="args">The arguments</param>
    private void CanvasView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
        SKCanvas canvas = args.Surface.Canvas;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Source))

        // Get the assembly information to access the local image
        Assembly assembly = typeof(SVGImage).Assembly;

        // Update the canvas with the SVG image
        using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(assembly.GetName().Name + ".Images." + this.Source))
            SkiaSharp.Extended.Svg.SKSvg svg = new SkiaSharp.Extended.Svg.SKSvg();
            SKImageInfo imageInfo = args.Info;
            canvas.Translate(imageInfo.Width / 2f, imageInfo.Height / 2f);
            SKRect rectBounds = svg.ViewBox;
            float xRatio = imageInfo.Width / rectBounds.Width;
            float yRatio = imageInfo.Height / rectBounds.Height;
            float minRatio = Math.Min(xRatio, yRatio);
            canvas.Translate(-rectBounds.MidX, -rectBounds.MidY);

showing the svg image in the xaml

        WidthRequest="100" />

as seen in the image the svg file is shown in black without the colors

svg black

When should i show this way


svg origin


The Svg file

    <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 120 70.15">
    <g id="a"/>
    <g id="b">
        <g id="c">
                <path class="e" d="M107.62,0H12.38C5.54,0,0,5.54,0,12.38V57.77c0,6.83,5.54,12.38,12.38,12.38H107.62c6.84,0,12.38-5.54,12.38-12.38V12.38c0-6.84-5.54-12.38-12.38-12.38Z"/>
                <path class="d" d="M12.38,61.29c-1.94,0-3.52-1.58-3.52-3.52V12.38c0-1.94,1.58-3.52,3.52-3.52H107.62c1.94,0,3.52,1.58,3.52,3.52V57.77c0,1.94-1.58,3.52-3.52,3.52H12.38Z"/>
                    <path class="g" d="M107.62,8.86H12.38c-1.94,0-3.52,1.58-3.52,3.52v9.13H111.14V12.38c0-1.94-1.58-3.52-3.52-3.52Z"/>
                    <path class="g" d="M8.86,48.64v9.13c0,1.94,1.58,3.52,3.52,3.52H107.62c1.94,0,3.52-1.58,3.52-3.52v-9.13H8.86Z"/>
                    <path class="f" d="M29.28,13.13c1.15,0,2.08,.93,2.08,2.08s-.93,2.08-2.08,2.08-2.08-.93-2.08-2.08,.93-2.08,2.08-2.08Z"/>
                    <path class="f" d="M29.28,52.9c1.15,0,2.08,.93,2.08,2.08s-.93,2.08-2.08,2.08-2.08-.93-2.08-2.08,.93-2.08,2.08-2.08Z"/>
                    <path class="f" d="M90.72,13.13c1.15,0,2.08,.93,2.08,2.08s-.93,2.08-2.08,2.08-2.08-.93-2.08-2.08,.93-2.08,2.08-2.08Z"/>
                    <path class="f" d="M90.72,52.9c1.15,0,2.08,.93,2.08,2.08s-.93,2.08-2.08,2.08-2.08-.93-2.08-2.08,.93-2.08,2.08-2.08Z"/>
                <path class="h" d="M19.99,57.77V12.38c0-6.84,5.54-12.38,12.38-12.38H12.38C5.54,0,0,5.54,0,12.38V57.77c0,6.83,5.54,12.38,12.38,12.38h19.99c-6.84,0-12.38-5.54-12.38-12.38Z"/>


  • I believe this is a known issue and is discussed here: