Search code examples

SQL sum between dates

I need to sum values in intersect of range dates.

sample of source data

person item start_date end_date value
a apple 08.03.2018 29.03.2018 3
a apple 01.01.2019 08.08.2021 2
a apple 01.01.2019 09.10.2021 5
a pen 10.10.2021 30.10.2021 2
a cup 08.03.2018 20.03.2018 8
a cup 15.03.2018 20.03.2019 2
b pen 10.10.2021 30.10.2021 2
b pen 10.10.2021 30.10.2021 6
b orange 10.11.2021 10.11.2022 3
b orange 20.11.2021 20.12.2021 2

expected result

person item start_date end_date value
a apple 08.03.2018 29.03.2018 3
a apple 01.01.2019 08.08.2021 7
a apple 09.08.2021 09.10.2021 5
a pen 10.10.2021 30.10.2021 2
a cup 08.03.2018 14.03.2018 8
a cup 15.03.2018 20.03.2018 10
a cup 21.03.2018 20.03.2019 2
b pen 10.10.2021 30.10.2021 8
b orange 10.11.2021 19.11.2021 3
b orange 20.11.2021 20.12.2021 5
b orange 21.12.2021 10.11.2022 3

I use something code like this, but it is to simple, and results are not good

  ,Min([start_date]) as [start_date]
  ,Max([end_date]) as [end_date]
  ,Sum([value]) as [value]
  FROM table
  Group by   person, item

I tried to use LAG() function, but i'm lost


  • I have no access to Synapse , but assuming it's compatibile with SQL server...


    Internal query build data ranges, creating additional dates for overlapping periods if needed. Main query just sum values.

    select person, item, range_from, range_to, 
           (select sum(value) from test 
                where person = r.person 
                  and item = r.item 
                  and range_from between start_date and end_date) value
    from ( 
         date range_from, 
         lead(date,1) over(partition by person, item order by date,be) range_to 
      from (      
         select 1 be, person, item, start_date date from test
         select 2, person, item, end_date from test
         select 2, person, item, dateadd(day,-1,start_date) from test a
           where exists (select * from test where a.person = person and a.item = item and a.start_date > start_date and a.start_date < end_date)
         select 1, person, item, dateadd(day,1,end_date) from test b
           where exists (select * from test where b.person = person and b.item = item and b.end_date > start_date and b.end_date < end_date)
      ) k 
    ) r where = 1 order by r.person, r.item, r.range_from 

    column be contains:

    • 1 - for period start
    • 2 - for period end