Ive used the ngrams feature in NLTK to create bigrams for a set of product reviews. Having cleaned the data and tokenised the text etc., using the following code:
myDataNeg = df3[df3['sentiment_cat']=='Negative']
# Tokenise each review
myTokensNeg = [word_tokenize(Reviews) for Reviews in myDataNeg['clean_review']]
# Remove stopwords and lowercase all
# Note that len(review)>1 will make sure at least two words are in a review.
myTokensNeg_noSW_noCase = [[word.lower() for word in Reviews if (len(Reviews)>1) and
(word.lower() not in en_stopwords) and
(len(word)>3)] for Reviews in myTokensNeg]
# Generate lists of bigrams
myBigramNeg = [list(bigrams(Reviews)) for Reviews in myTokensNeg_noSW_noCase]
#myBigramNeg = [list(ngrams(Reviews,n)) for Reviews in myTokensNeg_noSW_noCase]
# Put all lists together
myBigramListNeg = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(myBigramNeg))
# Get the most frequent ones
bigramFreqNeg = FreqDist(myBigramListNeg)
negbigram = bigramFreqNeg.most_common(5)
my output shows the most common pairs of words and their frequencies as such:
[(('stopped', 'working'), 637),
(('battery', 'life'), 408),
(('waste', 'money'), 354),
(('samsung', 'galaxy'), 322),
(('apple', 'store'), 289)]
However i want to be able to visualise this using matplotlib package. How do i produce a simple table or bar chart showing the most freqently occuring bigrams and their frequencies for what I've made? I tried the code below but it just returns an error:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
negbigram.plot.barh(color='blue', width=.9, figsize=(12, 8))
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'plot'
Quite new to using Python and any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
You need to separate your output to x-axis and y-axis
more information about plt.brh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
out_ = [
(('stopped', 'working'), 637),
(('battery', 'life'), 408),
(('waste', 'money'), 354),
(('samsung', 'galaxy'), 322),
(('apple', 'store'), 289)
# join the 2 words with '-' in the middle
wrds = ['-'.join(x) for x, c in out_]
# get the counts
wdth = [c for x, c in out_]
plt.barh(wrds, wdth, color='blue')