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get results of coalesce in R

I have the following data:

tibble(car1 = c("honda", NA, NA), 
       car2 = c(NA, "mazda", NA), 
       car3 = c("toyota", "ferrari", "porsche")
) %>%
          mutate(pick = coalesce(car1, car2, car3))

How can I capture the result of the selected column from coalesce into a new column (col_choice)?
Ideally I want the data to look as follows:

  car1  car2  car3    pick    col_choice
1 honda NA    toyota  honda   car1
2 NA    mazda ferrari mazda   car2
3 NA    NA    porsche porsche car3


  • coalesce returns the first non-NA element from the selected columns for each row. If we want to get the column name, apply max.col on a logical matrix (TRUE for non-NA) to select the first index to subset the column name

    tibble(car1 = c("honda", NA, NA), 
           car2 = c(NA, "mazda", NA), 
           car3 = c("toyota", "ferrari", "porsche")
    ) %>%
              mutate(pick = coalesce(car1, car2, car3), 
           col_choice = str_subset(names(.),
            '^car')[max.col(!'car'))), 'first')])


    # A tibble: 3 × 5
      car1  car2  car3    pick    col_choice
      <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     
    1 honda <NA>  toyota  honda   car1      
    2 <NA>  mazda ferrari mazda   car2      
    3 <NA>  <NA>  porsche porsche car3