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Hamcrest Matchers.equalTo reports false on Gstring to String Comparison

I have a list containing params with one value a Gstring. When I compare via Hamcrest I get String isn't GString failure even though contents match when compared as Strings

What's the right approach to get Hamcrest to resolve Gstring into string during its comparison? A workaround is to call .toString() on my actual Gstring as I add it to the list but that's not ideal

    def stackOverflow() {
        // values
        def v1 = '01'
        def v2 = '02'
        // a groovy string containing them
        def param = "${v1}:${v2}"

        // a matcher using a concrete string
        def matcher = Matchers.equalTo("01:02")
        // add actual into a list
        def mylist = [param]

        // check that actual Gstring matches expected String and fail
        that mylist, Matchers.hasItem(matcher)


ondition not satisfied:

that mylist, Matchers.hasItem(matcher)
|    |       |
|    [01:02] class org.hamcrest.Matchers

Expected: a collection containing "01:02"
     but: mismatches were: [was <01:02>]


  • Just use String instead of def when declaring the variable.

    import static spock.util.matcher.HamcrestSupport.that
    import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
    import spock.lang.*
    class ASpec extends Specification {
        def stackOverflow() {
            // values
            def v1 = '01'
            def v2 = '02'
            // a groovy string containing them
            String param = "${v1}:${v2}"
            // a matcher using a concrete string
            def matcher = equalTo("01:02")
            // add actual into a list
            def mylist = [param]
            // check that actual Gstring matches expected String and fail
            that mylist, hasItem(matcher)

    Try it in the Groovy Web Console

    p.s. the @Test doesn't belong to Spock and should be removed.