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Extract price/cost only once

I'm trying to extract the price from any of the following:

Item price: £93.00 Item number: 265722305071

Item number: 265722305071 Item price: $93.00 

265722305071£93.00 foo


Target response: 93.00

These are a selection of my attempts:










I'll use a separate regex to extract the currency.

The problem may lie in not knowing what regex engine is being used. The tool I'm using is n8n but I can't find what regex flavour it uses. Everything else is using Javascript which is where I started.


  • You can use this regex


    This regex will capture all float and integer numbers that start either with the $ or £ sign.

    Regex Explanation

    • (?: Non-capturing group
      • [$£] Match either $ or £ sign
    • ) Close non-capturing group
    • ( Capturing group
      • \d+ Match one or more digits
      • (?: Non-capturing group
        • \.\d+ Match one or more digits with a . (dot) prefix
      • ) Close non-capturing group
      • ? The previous group can exist or not
    • ) Close group

    Edit Note

    As you mentioned below, a string can be followed by EUR or or even start with these components. So you can use (?<=[$£€]|EUR\s?)\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+(?=[$£€]|\s?EUR) for that.

    function extractPrice(string) {
      let match = string.match(/(?<=[$£€]|EUR\s?)\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+(?=[$£€]|\s?EUR)/);
      return match ? match[0] : match;
    console.log(extractPrice("Item price: £93.00 Item number: 265722305071"));
    console.log(extractPrice("Item number: 265722305071 Item price: $93.00"));
    console.log(extractPrice("265722305071£93.00 foo"));
    console.log(extractPrice("265722305071EUR 93.00"));
    console.log(extractPrice("265722305071 93.00 EUR"));
    console.log(extractPrice("265722305071 93.00€"));