I have a script that's designed to ping another host across a site-to-site VPN tunnel every minute. After 10 minutes, it checks the average uptime of test-connection, and if it falls below a certain threshold, it sends a Teams message telling us to check things out.
This works perfectly well when I manually run the script in situ, however, when I leave it to run as a background job, it isn't sending the Teams messages.
My question is this: as a relatively new sysadmin, the tools in my toolkit are pretty limited. Does anyone have a good tip for where I should start looking, to troubleshoot this issue? To rule out potential problems with my script, I've also included it below. But I suspect the issue is more to do with leaving the script to run on a server that I then log out of. The server in question is running Windows Server 2012 (yes I know, migration is on my to-do list).
Import-Module message_module # a module i wrote to wrap messages to Teams webhooks (included below)
# this array will accept output values from the ongoing test
$test_table = new-object system.collections.arraylist
# this index counts how many times we've checked recently
[int32[]]$test_index = 1
# our desired threshold for uptime / response
$uptime = .8
# how many minutes to count before testing
$count_length = 10
# IP to ping
$ping_ip = 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'
$test_ip = '' # google.com, used for testing
# here's the actual function that does the pinging and puts values in the arraylist
function Ping-VPN {
$ping_host = test-connection $ping_ip -erroraction silentlycontinue
if ( $ping_host ) {
$test_table.add(1) > $null
} else {
$test_table.add(0) > $null
# this function calculates the average of the values in test_table, and then clears them
function Get-Average-Uptime {
$sum = 0
foreach ($entry in $test_table) {
$sum += $entry
$avg = $sum / $test_table.count
return $avg
function Main-Loop {
while ( $test_index -lt $count_length ) {
$test_index += 1
start-sleep -seconds 60
$avguptime = Get-Average-Uptime
if ( $avguptime -lt $uptime ) {
$title = "XXX/XXX VPN Down"
$message = "XXXXXX response to ping from XXXXXXX at less than desired rate. Please investigate."
Send-TeamsMessage -Message $message -Title $title
start-sleep -seconds 3600 # sleep for an hour, to avoid spamming us
$test_index = 0 # restart the testing interval
And the module code:
function Send-TeamsMessage {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)][String]$Message,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)][String]$Title
$JSONBody = [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
"@type" = "MessageCard"
"@context" = "http://schema.org/extensions"
"themeColor" = '0078D7'
"title" = $Title
"text" = $Message
$TeamMessageBody = ConvertTo-Json $JSONBody -Depth 100
$parameters = @{
"URI" = 'XXXXXXXX (webhook URI)'
"Method" = 'POST'
"Body" = $TeamMessageBody
"ContentType" = 'application/json'
Invoke-RestMethod @parameters | Out-Null
Export-ModuleMember -Function Send-TeamsMessage
Right now, I'm calling the main file with:
start-job -file C:\path\to\file.ps1
Then minimizing the terminal and disconnecting from the server. I suspect the problem is something to do with this, that I'm missing something really obvious.
As it turns out, this question is quite similar to another, though they're phrased very differently.
Basically, what I need to do is to run the script as NT AUTHORITY\System on startup. Run an infinite command on Windows Server even if someone is logged out