I was trying to implement a C# version of the Java code given in this answer to generate a random maze, but my code doesn't quite generate the mazes correctly - it creates "isolated" wall sections, in other words:
# #
# # #
# #
... where one wall section is surrounded by 7 passage sections. The entire maze with this algorithm looks something like:
# #
# # # ### #
# # #
### # ### #
# # # #
# ### # # #
# #
### ### # #
# #
I'm not sure how the algorithm I linked avoids doing this, and what I'm doing differently that causes it. The maze should be nothing but corridors, with no isolated wall sections, for example:
Could anyone help with what my algorithm is doing wrong? Here is my algorithm:
namespace MazeGenerator {
public class MazeGenerator {
private readonly Random _rnd = new Random(1212);
// NOTE: cells grid dimensions must be odd, odd (will give size 1 border around maze)
private readonly bool[,] _cells = new bool[11,11]; // All maze cells default to wall (false), not path (true)
private struct CellPosition {
public int X;
public int Y;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{X}, {Y}";
public bool[,] GenerateMaze() {
// Random starting position must be odd, odd (will give size 1 border around maze)
//var posRnd = new CellPosition {
// X = _rnd.Next(0, _cells.GetLength(0)),
// Y = _rnd.Next(0, _cells.GetLength(1))
var posRnd = new CellPosition {
X = 1,
Y = 1
setCell(posRnd, true); // Set initial random cell to path
var candidateCells = new List<CellPosition>();
candidateCells.AddRange(getCandidateCellsFor(posRnd, false)); // Get cell's wall candidates
while (candidateCells.Count > 0) {
// Pick random cell from candidate collection
int thisCellIndex;
var thisCell = candidateCells[thisCellIndex = _rnd.Next(0, candidateCells.Count)];
// Get cell's path candidates
var pathCandidates = getCandidateCellsFor(thisCell, true);
if (pathCandidates.Count > 0) {
// Connect random path candidate with cell
connectCell(pathCandidates[_rnd.Next(0, pathCandidates.Count)], thisCell);
// Add this candidate cell's wall candidates to collection to process
candidateCells.AddRange(getCandidateCellsFor(thisCell, false));
// Remove this candidate call from collection
return _cells;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the cell in the given position to the given state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="posRnd">The position of the cell to set.</param>
/// <param name="isPath">The state to set the cell to. If true, sets to path; otherwise, sets to wall.</param>
private void setCell(CellPosition posRnd, bool isPath) {
_cells[posRnd.X, posRnd.Y] = isPath;
/// <summary>
/// Connects two cells that are a distance of 2 apart with path, where cell A is already a path cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cellA">Path cell to connect cell B to.</param>
/// <param name="cellB">Wall cell to connect to cell A.</param>
private void connectCell(CellPosition cellA, CellPosition cellB) {
var x = (cellA.X + cellB.X) / 2;
var y = (cellA.Y + cellB.Y) / 2;
_cells[cellB.X, cellB.Y] = true;
_cells[x, y] = true;
private bool cellHasValidPosition(CellPosition position) {
position.X >= 0 &&
position.Y >= 0 &&
position.X < _cells.GetLength(0) &&
position.Y < _cells.GetLength(1);
/// <summary>
/// Gets candidate cells for a given cell given its position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The cell's position.</param>
/// <param name="getPathCells">If true, gets path candidate cells; otherwise, gets wall candidate cells.</param>
/// <returns>The candidate cells for the given cell.</returns>
private IList<CellPosition> getCandidateCellsFor(CellPosition position, bool getPathCells) {
var candidatePathCells = new List<CellPosition>();
var candidateWallCells = new List<CellPosition>();
var northCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X, Y = position.Y - 2 };
var eastCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X + 2, Y = position.Y };
var southCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X, Y = position.Y + 2 };
var westCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X - 2, Y = position.Y };
if (cellHasValidPosition(northCandidate)) {
if (_cells[northCandidate.X, northCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(northCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(northCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(eastCandidate)) {
if (_cells[eastCandidate.X, eastCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(eastCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(eastCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(southCandidate)) {
if (_cells[southCandidate.X, southCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(southCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(southCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(westCandidate)) {
if (_cells[westCandidate.X, westCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(westCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(westCandidate); }
if (getPathCells) { return candidatePathCells; }
else { return candidateWallCells; }
private static void renderMaze(bool[,] maze) {
for (var x = 0; x < maze.GetLength(0); x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < maze.GetLength(1); y++) {
Console.Write($"{(maze[x,y] ? " " : "#")}");
OK, the problem seems to be that the original Java code was using a HashSet
whereas I was using a List
to store candidate cells. The HashSet
intrinsically prevents duplicate candidate cells from being stored by only adding cells that are unique (don't match existing entries in the HashSet
). I reworked the C# code to use a HashSet
and now it seems to work as intended:
namespace MazeGenerator {
public class MazeGenerator {
private readonly Random _rnd = new();
// NOTE: cells grid dimensions must be odd, odd (will give size 1 border around maze)
private readonly bool[,] _cells = new bool[11,11]; // All maze cells default to wall (false), not path (true)
private struct CellPosition {
public int X;
public int Y;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{X}, {Y}";
public bool[,] GenerateMaze() {
// Random starting position must be odd, odd (will give size 1 border around maze)
//var posRnd = new CellPosition {
// X = _rnd.Next(0, _cells.GetLength(0)),
// Y = _rnd.Next(0, _cells.GetLength(1))
var posRnd = new CellPosition {
X = 1,
Y = 1
setCell(posRnd, true); // Set initial random cell to path
var candidateCells = new HashSet<CellPosition>();
candidateCells.UnionWith(getCandidateCellsFor(posRnd, false)); // Get cell's wall candidates
while (candidateCells.Count > 0) {
// Pick random cell from candidate collection
var thisCell = candidateCells.ElementAt(_rnd.Next(0, candidateCells.Count));
// Get cell's path candidates
var pathCandidates = getCandidateCellsFor(thisCell, true);
if (pathCandidates.Count > 0) {
// Connect random path candidate with cell
connectCell(pathCandidates[_rnd.Next(0, pathCandidates.Count)], thisCell);
// Add this candidate cell's wall candidates to collection to process
candidateCells.UnionWith(getCandidateCellsFor(thisCell, false));
// Remove this candidate call from hashset collection
return _cells;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the cell in the given position to the given state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="posRnd">The position of the cell to set.</param>
/// <param name="isPath">The state to set the cell to. If true, sets to path; otherwise, sets to wall.</param>
private void setCell(CellPosition posRnd, bool isPath) {
_cells[posRnd.X, posRnd.Y] = isPath;
/// <summary>
/// Connects two cells that are a distance of 2 apart with path, where cell A is already a path cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cellA">Path cell to connect cell B to.</param>
/// <param name="cellB">Wall cell to connect to cell A.</param>
private void connectCell(CellPosition cellA, CellPosition cellB) {
var x = (cellA.X + cellB.X) / 2;
var y = (cellA.Y + cellB.Y) / 2;
_cells[cellB.X, cellB.Y] = true;
_cells[x, y] = true;
private bool cellHasValidPosition(CellPosition position) {
position.X >= 0 &&
position.Y >= 0 &&
position.X < _cells.GetLength(0) &&
position.Y < _cells.GetLength(1);
/// <summary>
/// Gets candidate cells for a given cell given its position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">The cell's position.</param>
/// <param name="getPathCells">If true, gets path candidate cells; otherwise, gets wall candidate cells.</param>
/// <returns>The candidate cells for the given cell.</returns>
private IList<CellPosition> getCandidateCellsFor(CellPosition position, bool getPathCells) {
var candidatePathCells = new List<CellPosition>();
var candidateWallCells = new List<CellPosition>();
var northCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X, Y = position.Y - 2 };
var eastCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X + 2, Y = position.Y };
var southCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X, Y = position.Y + 2 };
var westCandidate = new CellPosition { X = position.X - 2, Y = position.Y };
if (cellHasValidPosition(northCandidate)) {
if (_cells[northCandidate.X, northCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(northCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(northCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(eastCandidate)) {
if (_cells[eastCandidate.X, eastCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(eastCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(eastCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(southCandidate)) {
if (_cells[southCandidate.X, southCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(southCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(southCandidate); }
if (cellHasValidPosition(westCandidate)) {
if (_cells[westCandidate.X, westCandidate.Y]) { candidatePathCells.Add(westCandidate); }
else { candidateWallCells.Add(westCandidate); }
if (getPathCells) { return candidatePathCells; }
else { return candidateWallCells; }
private static void renderMaze(bool[,] maze, string title = "Generating maze...") {
for (var x = 0; x < maze.GetLength(0); x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < maze.GetLength(1); y++) {
Console.Write($"{(maze[x,y] ? " " : "#")}");