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What is the relation between Azure devops repos and TFVC, and where is the option to choose between GIT and TFVC?

I know that azure devops has 2 offerings - 1) cloud based; 2) on-prem azure devops server

I am using clous based azure devops repos which is using GIT in the background. GIT is decentralized.

Previously, before using azure devops I used on-premise TFS (team foundation server) which is centralized source control.

Today I came across a person who is using azure devops with tfvc (and not GIT). So I am curious to know:

  1. Where in azure repos is the option to choose between TFVC vs GIT?
  2. Does using TFVC require any additional installation?


  • when you are creating a new project you can choose which version control you want to use, you can choose TFVC and using Azure Repos with TFVS version control:

    enter image description here