I am new to Testcafé and working on a Testcase to check if no Cookies exist beforehand and if there is a cookie, to delete the Cookie. I have checked this and this post but don´t see any option on how to check if a cookie does exist or does not exist, as the posts describe on how to set a Cookie.
My first implementation would look like this:
import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
const setCookie = ClientFunction(() => {
if (document.cookie.length!==0)
document.cookie = 'COOKIE_NAME=; Max-Age=0; path=/; domain=' + location.host;
fixture `fixture`
.page `http://google.com`;
test(`1`, async t => {
await setCookie();
await t.typeText('input[type=text]', 'test');
await t.debug();
I checked the Testcafé API but didn't find any corresponding method; hence, any help or hints would be very much appreciated, thanks.
Since TestCafe 1.19.0 version there is no need to create excessive Client Functions to interact with browser cookies. Our cookie management API offers a flexible and convenient way to set, get, or delete page cookies regardless of the HttpOnly
flag status. You can learn more here https://testcafe.io/403938/release-notes/framework/2022-05-26-testcafe-v1-19-0-released#cookie-management