how can I change the position of the y-axis labels to the right side? The standard is of course on the left side, but I want to have it on the right side. I can’t find anything in the holoviz panel documentation to it.
I tried to derive it from the position settings of the legend. So, I thought p.y_axis_label_text_align = 'right’
could be right. However, it does not work.
Can anybody help me out or has a Python panel example where the y-axis is located on the right side of the chart tile? Thanks in advance.
The answer depends on the package you are using.
If your figure is created with holoviews, please cheack out the holoviews documentation for axis-positions.
In gerneal
.opts(xaxis='top', yaxis='right')
does the trick.
If you are using the the figure
of bokeh.plotting
, then
p = figure(..., y_axis_location="right", ...)
moves the one y-axis to the right.
In case you want to add a new axis, the twin-axis example shows how to add a LinearAxis