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Invalid Use of Matcher Exception

I am very new to mockito and trying to write my test cases for this getEmployeePorfilebySsoId(String ssoId).

Below is the method

 public List<EcommProfile> getEmployeePorfilebySsoId(String ssoId) {
        List<EcommProfile> profilelist = null;

        try (Sqlsession sqlsession = sqlsessionFactory.openEcomSession()) {
            profilelist = sqlsession.selectList("org.mybatis.ecommprofile", ssoId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

Here is my Testcase for this method

    SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
    Sqlsession sqlsession;
    EcommDaoimpl ecommDao;

    public List<EcommProfile> getEmployeePorfilebySsoIdTestException(String ssoId) {
        List<EcommProfile> profilelist = new ArrayList<>();
        EcommProfile ecommProfile = new EcommProfile();
        Mockito.when(sqlsession.selectList(Mockito.eq("org.mybatis.ecommprofile"), Mockito.eq("12345")))
        Assertions.assertTrue(ApplicationException.class, () -> ecomDao.getEmployeeProfileByssoId(Mockito.eq("12345")));


Below is the error i am getting (Unexpected exception type thrown)

    Expected: com.mycompany.exception.ApplicationException

PS: Please at least give me the hint or something.


  • Just answering my own question here.

    This line ecomDao.getEmployeeProfileByssoId(Mockito.eq("12345) is replace to this one ecomDao.getEmployeeProfileByssoId("12345);.

    Silly mistake was using Mockito.eq() inside the Assertions.assertTrue() condition as well.