I'm new to the integration testing, although I've done a lot of unit tests for my models and controllers. But now I want to test the whole stack. (I don't want to use Cucumber, since there is no customer and I can read code)
Here my (simplified) spec
describe ArticlesController, "#show" do
before do
@article = Factory :article, :title => "Lorem ipsum"
it "should show the article page" do
visit article_path(:id => @article)
page.should have_content("Lorem ipsum")
The spec passes, but once I add :js => true
to it "should show the article page", :js => true do
, an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
gets thrown. If I disable use_transactional_fixtures
in my config, it works again, but that breaks alot of other tests. Is there another solution or can I disable the transactional_fixtures just for my integration tests?
Thanks for reading! :)
You need to set use_transactional_fixtures
= false for integration tests. As you found, this causes problems for other tests that assume your tables are empty to start with.
You might try the database_cleaner gem. A typical configuration in spec_helper
would look like so:
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.before(:suite) do
c.after(:suite) do