Is there a way to read in the options of a menu bar using Python and Applescript?
I'm trying to write a script where the user doesn't know what options exist in the menu bar so the script reads them from the application and displays them.
thanks in advance!
Knowing the name of application process, you can read menu bar options with simple apple-script like this:
set processName to "Safari"
tell application "System Events" to tell process processName
tell menu bar 1 to set menuBarItemNames to name of menu bar items
end tell
choose from list menuBarItemNames
NOTE: the application should be running. Or, activate it in the beginning of the script:
tell application "Safari" to launch
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"
repeat until menu bar 1 exists
delay 0.1
end repeat
tell menu bar 1 to set menuBarItemNames to name of menu bar items
end tell
choose from list menuBarItemNames