I'm trying to make a form in yii2 accept big numbers like currency . I want the number to be seperated for example 10000000 seems like that 10.000.000 . I search and find that there is something called auto numiric I use it but I got this error
<?=$form->field($model, 'num')->widget(\extead\autonumeric\AutoNumeric::classname(), [
'pluginOptions' => [
'aSep' => ' ',
'mDec' => 0
Not instantiable – yii\di\NotInstantiableException
Failed to instantiate component or class "yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset".
Caused by: ReflectionException
Class yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset does not exist
in E:\xam\htdocs\basic\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\di\Container.php at line 507
if I diddn't use auto numiric
<?= $form->field($model,'num')?>
the error disappear can any body help ????
It looks like extead/yii2-autonumeric
requires yiisoft\yii-bootstrap
extension which uses Bootstrap 3.
You can install missing extension through composer:
composer require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap
Or you can add it in your composer.json
and then run composer update
to install it.
Edit: actually, I've missed that yii2-bootstrap4
and yii2-bootstrap5
extensions uses different namespaces so for yii2-autonumeric
extension to work you have to install bootstrap 3 extension.
If you can't use bootstrap 3, you should probably switch to another extension for formating values in inputs. For example kartik-v/yii2-number
allows you to set what version of bootstrap should be used.