I've been profiling my .NET 6
app which runs a couple of different algorithms.
When analysing the Total CPU %
with the built-in profiler I was getting values over 100%, they were like 509.22%
or even 999.7%
I am not sure how to interprete such outputs, I've been looking through MS docs (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/profiling/cpu-usage?view=vs-2022) but still have trouble understanding values shown in the profiler.
I'd be glad if anyoine could explain this more or point me to some source where I could learn some more.
It looks like it was a bug indeed. After filing a bug report, Microsoft accepted this and the change is now pending release.
MS developer community topic: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Visual-Studio-2022---CPU-usage-over-100/10066547?entry=problem