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Empty variable when attempting to scrape web data using RVest

I am trying to use Rvest to scrape a data point from:

What I am attempting to capture is the "Yield As at close 30 Apr 2022" number which is 2.53%

I have attempted this using the following code

url <- ""

  url_read <- url %>%
  etf_Data <- url_read %>%
    html_nodes(xpath='/html/body/ukd-app/ukd-pla-nav/div[1]/ukd-fund-detail/div[2]/ukd-distributions/dl/div[2]') %>%

however is is returning character(0).

Based on previous responses on SO I have tried to see if a passthrough query is required in the URL however my knowledge is fairly limited so have been unable to tell if it is required.

I have also tried

etf_Data <- url_read %>%
    html_element('.caption:contains("Yield As at close 30 Apr 2022") + .data') %>% html_text2()


etf_Data <- url_read %>%
    html_nodes(xpath='/html/body/ukd-app/ukd-pla-nav/div[1]/ukd-fund-detail/div[2]/ukd-distributions/dl/div[2]') %>%

with the same response.

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

Thanks C


  • The problem is, that the data is loaded dynamically to the Page using JavaScript. You could work around this using Rselenium.

    A much simpler solution is - with a slight modification of the Url - to request the data from the API:

    resp <- GET("") %>% content()
    yield <- resp$fundData$distributionHistory$yield[[1]]