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how to add output stream relationship result of executestreamcommand processor into original flow file in nifi

I need a help. I am using python script here. I wanted to add output stream relationship result of ExecuteStreamCommand processor into original flow file in nifi



    check Output Destination Attribute property - if it's empty then all what you print/write to STDOUT will go to flow file content

    in python you could write to stdout using simple print:

    print("hello world") # this will go to file content

    or sys module:

    import sys
    sys.stdout.write( "Hello Standard Output!\n" )

    to append flowfile content - you have to copy from stdin to stdout current file content and then write something new

    import sys
    #write current file content (use buffer for binary mode - python3+
    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
    #append new data
    sys.stdout.write('new data at the end...')