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Concatenate string element and number into same cell in dataframe r

If I have this dataframe:

df <- data.frame(col1 = c(NA,NA,NA,"Doggy",NA,NA,"Pound"),col2 = c(1:7))

Let's say I want to check if there is not a NA-value in col1 and add the corresponding number from the other column if that is true, I'd write this:

for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
  if ([i,1]) == FALSE){
    #add the df[i,2] number to the df[i,1] string. 

How should I go about concatenating the string with the numeric?


  • Here df[i,1] <- paste(df[i,1], df[i,2]) will fit.

    for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
      if ([i,1]) == FALSE) {
        df[i,1] <- paste(df[i,1], df[i,2])
    #     col1 col2
    #1    <NA>    1
    #2    <NA>    2
    #3    <NA>    3
    #4 Doggy 4    4
    #5    <NA>    5
    #6    <NA>    6
    #7 Pound 7    7

    I would do something like:

    i <- which(![,1]))
    df[i,1] <-, df[i,])