So, I have some code that looks like this:
def get_tree(args):
sensor_ids = argToList(args.get("sensor_ids"))
process_ids = argToList(args.get("process_ids"))
all_results = {}
for sensor_id in sensor_ids:
sensor_id_str = str(sensor_id)
for process_id in process_ids:
process_id_str = str(process_id)
main_process = query_process(sensor_id_str, process_id_str)
results = {}
json_response = main_process.json()
for vertex in json_response["resources"]:
if vertex["vertex_type"] == "process":
results["main_process"] = {"sensor_id": sensor_id_str,
"process_id": process_id_str,
"properties": vertex["properties"]}
for edge in vertex["edges"]:
if edge == "child_process":
results["child_processes"] = []
MyPy is creating this error and I'm not sure how to fix, flake is quite happy:
Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "List[]", target has type "Dict[str, Any]") [assignment] results["child_processes"] = [] ^
For that the original code, mypy
(tested with 0.950 and 0.961) should be telling you that
Need type annotation for "results" (hint: "
results: Dict[<type>, <type>] = ...
so it can figure out whether you're doing the right thing.
With the augmented code, if you call reveal_type(results)
, you'll see note: Revealed type is "builtins.dict[builtins.str, builtins.dict[builtins.str, Any]]"
i.e. based on the first assignment you do to results
, mypy has inferred that you have a dict of dicts, and as such, putting a list up in there just ain't gonna fly.
So, if you want to annotate results
to be a basic "bag" with string keys and arbitrary values,
results: Dict[str, Any] = {}
or if you want more strict typing, use TypedDict
class Results(TypedDict):
child_processes: Optional[List[Any]] # or be more specific...
results: Results = {}