Is there any way of supplying multiple values for a DynamoDB table's Sort Key whilst doing a query in Boto3?
For a single SK value to search on, I'm doing this:
KeyConditionExpression=Key('my_gsi_pk').eq({pk value}) & Key('my_gsi_sk').eq({sk value}),
FilterExpression={filter expression}
... which works.
However, my scenario involves searching on one of a couple of potential SK values, so I'd like to, in SQL terms, do something like this:
WHERE my_gsi_pk = {pk value}
AND my_gsi_sk IN ({sk value 1}, {sk value 2})
I've looked in the Boto3 documentation in the .query() section and concentrated upon the KeyConditionExpression
syntax but can't identify whether this is possible or not.
The query
API does not support the IN
operator in the KeyConditionExpression
Use the execute_statement API instead. This executes a PartiQL statement, which does accept the IN
operator in query operations for the Partition and Sort keys:
sk = ["Foo", "Bar"]
res = client.execute_statement(
Statement=f'SELECT * FROM "my_table"."my_gsi" WHERE my_gsi_pk = ? AND my_gsi_sk IN [{",".join(["?" for k in sk])}]',
Parameters= [{"S": "1"}] + [{"S": k} for k in sk]
This creates a PartiQL Statement like SELECT * FROM "my_table"."my_gsi" WHERE my_gsi_pk = ? AND my_gsi_sk IN [?, ?]
and substitution Parameters like [{"S": "1"}, {"S": "Foo"}, {"S": "Bar"}]