I'm creating Process to run pg_dump.exe in C#
var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
Arguments = @"-U postgres -W -f D:\postgres\test123_dump.sql postgres",
CreateNoWindow = true,
FileName = @"C:\PostgreSQL\bin\pg_dump.exe",
UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
RedirectStandardInput = true
Process process = new Process() { StartInfo = processStartInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true };
using( StreamWriter sw = process.StandardInput)
sw.WriteLine("123"); // test password
It will run pg_dump.exe, it will show prompt to pass the password, but StreamWriter seems to not work for some reason.
You could use this string to put your authentication info directly in argument list
var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
Arguments = @"--dbname=postgresql://user_name:pass_word@Localhost:5432/bd_name_to_save -F c -b -f output_bd_name",
CreateNoWindow = true,
FileName = @"C:\PostgreSQL\bin\pg_dump.exe",
UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
RedirectStandardInput = true
Process process = new Process() { StartInfo = processStartInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true };