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Tensorflow-keras 2.X multi gpu prediction

I have 4GPU(rtx 3090) in one pc.

I used only 1GPU for training and prediction, but now I'm going to use 4GPU.

During training, 4gpu activation was successful, but only 1GPU is active for prediction.

mirrored_strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
with mirrored_strategy.scope():
    model = MyModel()

model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_path, monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True)
history =, steps_per_epoch=num_images//batch_size, verbose=1)

It Use 4 GPU

model.predict(testData, verbose=1)
#for x in testData:
#   model.predict_on_batch(x)

It use only 1 GPU

How can I use my all GPU?


  • I solved! changed my test dataset!

    I'm using test dataset with generator.

    def testGenerator(image_path):
        for file in image_path:
            img = file
            img = img / 255
            img = np.reshape(img,img.shape+(1,)) if (not flag_multi_class) else img 
        yield img

    I wanted to load the dataset into GPU memory.

    So I used "" and my GPU worked!

    Load saved model

    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path)

    Make tensorflow dataset

    testGene = testGenerator(img_data)
    test_dataset =
        lambda: testGene,
        output_types = tf.float64,
        #output_shapes = tf.TensorShape([None]),
        output_shapes = tf.TensorShape([512, 512, 1])
    result = model.predict(
        steps=math.ceil(max / global_batch_size),
        callbacks=[CustomCallback(root_file_list, int(max / len(root_file_list) / global_batch_size))])

    It worked using my all GPU!