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Python: decorator for mocking gettext during testing

I'm writing a Django app, and I wanted to write a decorator that will mock the _() function during testing, just adding '_translated' after the string to translate

I basically have my decorator to replace the following instruction within my test:

with mock.patch('module_which_is_being_tested._', lambda s: s+'_translated'):


  • I didn't find anything similar on the web, so I'm sharing it:

    from unittest import mock
    import functools
    def mock_translation(tested_object):
        A decorator that mock the '_()' function during testing
        just adds '_translated' after the string to translate
        the class/function being tested needs to be passed as parameter
        from my_module.sub_module import my_function_to_be_tested
        def test_my_function_to_be_tested():
        def actual_decorator(func):
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                module_name = tested_object.__module__
                tested_obj = tested_object
                import_path = module_name + '._'
                # with mock.patch('battletech.models._', lambda s: s+'_translated'):
                with mock.patch(import_path, lambda s: s+'_translated'):
                    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
                    return value
            return wrapper
        return actual_decorator