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c#repositoryabp-framework how to get 2 or more WithDetails in Repository?

I have entity:

class Contract
   public TenantProfile TenantProfile { get; set; }
   public ContractStatus Status { get; set; }

Service (override GetAsync(Id)):

 var contractWithDetails = (await Repository.WithDetailsAsync(x => x.Status)).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

But property TenantProfile - null, because I can't execute WithDetailsAsync for IQueryable. How to solve my problem and execute more then 2 WithDetailsAsync?


  • It is suggested to create an extension method for each aggregate root with sub collections:

    public static IQueryable<Contract> IncludeDetails(
        this IQueryable<Contract> queryable,
        bool include = true)
        if (!include)
            return queryable;
        return queryable
            .Include(x => x.TenantProfile)
            .Include(x => x.ContractStatus);

    Now you can override WithDetailsAsync:

    public override async Task<IQueryable<Contract>> WithDetailsAsync()
        // Uses the extension method defined above
        return (await GetQueryableAsync()).IncludeDetails();

    Now your WithDetailsAsync method includes both of them.

    See more on ABP Entity Framework Core Integration Best Practices docs.