I used command "docker pull mysql:5.7.28" which showed image and container correctly in docker desktop but when trying to run the container it showed exited and error was MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD required.
So I need to edit MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in yaml file to resolve this issue. Now the problem is simple I have not used docker-compose file to setup the container and unable to find option in docker desktop to set up this variable.
You can set the environment variable when you run the container with docker run
- see, e.g. "Start a mysql
server instance" on https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql.
An alternative would be to create a docker-compose.yml
and set the environment variable there (the reference for what you can put in Compose files is here).
There might be a way to set environment variables in Docker Desktop, but I don't use it, so I don't know. The documentation should tell you, though.