how can I get line width from 2D sheet to create custom line with correct width or relative original line width.
returns is two point without line width.
Are you looking for this?
(x1, y1, x2, y2, vpId, lineWidth) has a lineWidth
argument at the end of the function argument
onTexQuad(centerX, centerY, width, height, rotation, vpId)
has a width
argument in the function argument
Demo code:
function GeometryCallback(viewer,copiedGeometryName,curveMaterial) {
this.viewer = viewer;
this.opiedGeometryName = copiedGeometryName;
// linewidth does not take effect in Chrome and Firefox
// It is a known issue with OpenGL core
// try with Safari
this.curveMaterial = curveMaterial;
this.is2PITimes = function(angle1,angle2){
return Math.abs(angle1-angle2)/Math.PI % 2 == 0
GeometryCallback.prototype.onLineSegment = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, vpId, lineWidth) {
var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
//if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
var pt1 = new THREE.Vector3().set(x1, y1, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
var pt2 = new THREE.Vector3().set(x2, y2, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
console.log('Line segment vertices coordinates: ', {
pointX1: pt1.x,
pointY1: pt1.y,
pointX2: pt2.x,
pointY2: pt2.y
'width:', lineWidth
//add overlay geometry
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry ()
geometry.vertices.push (new THREE.Vector3 ( pt1.x, pt1.y, 0))
geometry.vertices.push (new THREE.Vector3 ( pt2.x, pt2.y, 0))
var lines = new THREE.Line (geometry,
this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, lines)
this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)
GeometryCallback.prototype.onCircularArc = function(cx, cy, start, end, radius, vpId) {
var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
//if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
var center = new THREE.Vector3().set(cx, cy, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
console.log('CircleArc segment: ', {
centerX: center.x,
centerY: center.y,
radius: radius,
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end
//add overlay geometry
var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
center.x, center.y,
radius, radius,
start, end,
var path = new THREE.Path(curve.getPoints(50));
var geometry = path.createPointsGeometry(50);
//remove last vertex if it an arc
var circularArc = new THREE.Line(geometry, this.curveMaterial);
this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, circularArc)
this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)
GeometryCallback.prototype.onEllipticalArc = function(cx, cy, start, end, major, minor, tilt, vpId) {
var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
//if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
var center = new THREE.Vector3().set(cx, cy, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
console.log('EllipticalArc segment: ', {
centerX: center.x,
centerY: center.y,
radius: radius,
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end
//add overlay geometry
var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
center.x, center.y,
major, minor,
start, end,
var path = new THREE.Path(curve.getPoints(50));
var geometry = path.createPointsGeometry(50);
//remove last vertex if it an arc
var ellipticalArc = new THREE.Line(geometry, this.curveMaterial);
this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, ellipticalArc)
this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)
GeometryCallback.prototype.onOneTriangle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, vpId){
//Similar logic as above
GeometryCallback.prototype.onTexQuad = function(centerX, centerY, width, height, rotation, vpId){
//from VertexBufferReader.js:
//Currently this case does not actually come up
//extension of MyShow2dCurve
function MyShow2dCurve(viewer, options) {, viewer, options)
var _viewer = this.viewer
var _copiedGeometryName = 'copiedGeometryName'
// linewidth does not take effect in Chrome and Firefox
// It is a known issue with OpenGL core
// try with Safari
var _curveMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial ({
color: new THREE.Color (0xFF0000),
transparent: true,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false,
linewidth: 5,
opacity: 1.0
//when extension is loaded
this.load = function() {
console.log('MyShow2dCurve is loaded!');
//bind keyup event
$(document).bind('keyup', onKeyUp);
return true;
//when extension is unloaded
this.unload = function() {
console.log('MyShow2dCurve is now unloaded!');
//unbind keyup event
$(document).unbind('keyup', this.onKeyUp);
return true;
//when key up
function onKeyUp(evt) {
console.log('onKeyUp:' + evt.keyCode);
//when key 'S' is pressed
if(evt.keyCode == 83){
//create overlay
_viewer.impl.createOverlayScene (_copiedGeometryName, _curveMaterial)
//start to monitor select event
_viewer.addEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT, onSelectObj)
//when key 'Q' is pressed
if(evt.keyCode == 81){
//undelegate selection event
_viewer.removeEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT, onSelectObj)
//remove overlay
_viewer.impl.invalidate(false, false, true);
return true;
//when selecting object
function onSelectObj(evt){
//selected object id
var dbId = evt.dbIdArray[0]
//get instance tree
var it = _viewer.model.getData().instanceTree;
//dump fragments of the object
it.enumNodeFragments( dbId, function( fragId ) {
//get each fragment
var m = _viewer.impl.getRenderProxy(_viewer.model, fragId);
//initialize VertexBufferReader
var vbr = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.VertexBufferReader(m.geometry, _viewer.impl.use2dInstancing);
//dump geometry of this fragment
vbr.enumGeomsForObject(dbId, new GeometryCallback(_viewer,_copiedGeometryName, _curveMaterial));
MyShow2dCurve.prototype = Object.create(Autodesk.Viewing.Extension.prototype);
MyShow2dCurve.prototype.varructor = MyShow2dCurve;
Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension('MyShow2dCurve', MyShow2dCurve);
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