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How to get real line width from 2D geometry?

how can I get line width from 2D sheet to create custom line with correct width or relative original line width.

VertexBufferReader returns is two point without line width.


  • Are you looking for this?

    • onLineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, vpId, lineWidth) has a lineWidth argument at the end of the function argument

    • onTexQuad(centerX, centerY, width, height, rotation, vpId) has a width argument in the function argument


    enter image description here enter image description here

    Demo code:

    function GeometryCallback(viewer,copiedGeometryName,curveMaterial) {
      this.viewer = viewer;   
      this.opiedGeometryName = copiedGeometryName;
      // linewidth does not take effect in Chrome and Firefox 
      // It is a known issue with OpenGL core
      // try with Safari
      this.curveMaterial = curveMaterial;
      this.is2PITimes = function(angle1,angle2){
        return Math.abs(angle1-angle2)/Math.PI % 2 == 0
    GeometryCallback.prototype.onLineSegment = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, vpId, lineWidth) {
      var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
      //if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
      var pt1 = new THREE.Vector3().set(x1, y1, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
      var pt2 = new THREE.Vector3().set(x2, y2, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform); 
      console.log('Line segment vertices coordinates: ', {
            pointX1: pt1.x,
            pointY1: pt1.y,
            pointX2: pt2.x,
            pointY2: pt2.y
        'width:', lineWidth
      //add overlay geometry 
      var geometry = new THREE.Geometry () 
      geometry.vertices.push (new THREE.Vector3 ( pt1.x,  pt1.y, 0))
      geometry.vertices.push (new THREE.Vector3 ( pt2.x,  pt2.y, 0))
      var lines = new THREE.Line (geometry,
      this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, lines) 
      this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)   
    GeometryCallback.prototype.onCircularArc = function(cx, cy, start, end, radius, vpId) {
      var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
      //if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
      var center = new THREE.Vector3().set(cx, cy, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
      console.log('CircleArc segment: ', {
        centerX: center.x,
        centerY: center.y,
        radius: radius,
        startAngle: start,
        endAngle: end
      //add overlay geometry
      var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
        center.x, center.y,            
        radius, radius,     
        start, end,  
      var path = new THREE.Path(curve.getPoints(50));
      var geometry = path.createPointsGeometry(50);
      //remove last vertex if it an arc
      var circularArc = new THREE.Line(geometry, this.curveMaterial);
      this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, circularArc) 
      this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)  
    GeometryCallback.prototype.onEllipticalArc = function(cx, cy, start, end, major, minor, tilt, vpId) {
      var vpXform = this.viewer.model.getPageToModelTransform(vpId);
      //if in CAD coordinate system, applyMatrix4 with vpXform
      var center = new THREE.Vector3().set(cx, cy, 0)//.applyMatrix4(vpXform);
      console.log('EllipticalArc segment: ', {
        centerX: center.x,
        centerY: center.y,
        radius: radius,
        startAngle: start,
        endAngle: end
      //add overlay geometry
      var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
        center.x, center.y,            
        major, minor,     
        start, end,  
      var path = new THREE.Path(curve.getPoints(50));
      var geometry = path.createPointsGeometry(50);
      //remove last vertex if it an arc
      var ellipticalArc = new THREE.Line(geometry, this.curveMaterial);
      this.viewer.impl.addOverlay (this.opiedGeometryName, ellipticalArc) 
      this.viewer.impl.invalidate (false,false,true)  
    GeometryCallback.prototype.onOneTriangle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, vpId){
      //Similar logic as above
    GeometryCallback.prototype.onTexQuad = function(centerX, centerY, width, height, rotation, vpId){
      //from VertexBufferReader.js:
      //Currently this case does not actually come up
    //extension of MyShow2dCurve
    function MyShow2dCurve(viewer, options) {
   , viewer, options)
        var _viewer = this.viewer 
        var _copiedGeometryName = 'copiedGeometryName'
        // linewidth does not take effect in Chrome and Firefox 
        // It is a known issue with OpenGL core
        // try with Safari
        var _curveMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial ({
          color: new THREE.Color (0xFF0000),
          transparent: true,
          depthWrite: false,
          depthTest: false,
          linewidth: 5,
          opacity: 1.0
        //when extension is loaded
        this.load = function() {
            console.log('MyShow2dCurve is loaded!'); 
            //bind keyup event
            $(document).bind('keyup', onKeyUp); 
            return true;
        //when extension is unloaded 
        this.unload = function() {
            console.log('MyShow2dCurve is now unloaded!');
            //unbind keyup event
            $(document).unbind('keyup', this.onKeyUp);
            return true;
        //when key up
        function onKeyUp(evt) {  
            console.log('onKeyUp:' + evt.keyCode); 
            //when key 'S' is pressed
            if(evt.keyCode == 83){   
              //create overlay
              _viewer.impl.createOverlayScene (_copiedGeometryName, _curveMaterial)   
               //start to monitor select event 
              _viewer.addEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT, onSelectObj) 
            //when key 'Q' is pressed
            if(evt.keyCode == 81){ 
              //undelegate selection event
              _viewer.removeEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT, onSelectObj) 
              //remove overlay
              _viewer.impl.invalidate(false, false, true);  
            return true;
          //when selecting object
          function onSelectObj(evt){ 
                //selected object id
                var dbId = evt.dbIdArray[0] 
                //get instance tree
                var it = _viewer.model.getData().instanceTree;
                //dump fragments of the object
                it.enumNodeFragments( dbId, function( fragId ) {
                    //get each fragment
                    var m = _viewer.impl.getRenderProxy(_viewer.model, fragId);
                    //initialize VertexBufferReader
                    var vbr = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.VertexBufferReader(m.geometry, _viewer.impl.use2dInstancing);
                    //dump geometry of this fragment
                    vbr.enumGeomsForObject(dbId, new GeometryCallback(_viewer,_copiedGeometryName, _curveMaterial));
    MyShow2dCurve.prototype = Object.create(Autodesk.Viewing.Extension.prototype);
    MyShow2dCurve.prototype.varructor = MyShow2dCurve; 
    Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension('MyShow2dCurve', MyShow2dCurve); 

    Modified from: