In GWT using the History/Activities/Places apis you end up with urls like this
Where the word params is the place "token" where parameters can be passed into the StartPlace object. For most of my applications a single string is enough to reload my data with refreshed is pressed. On a few Activities/Places/Pages however I need to split that Place token into a number of name/value pairs.
Does anybody have a suggestion for how to handle this? I am currently writing a class that builds a string out of name/value pairs by separating them in a url fashion using &name=value. It would be great if somebody knew of a class that could handle this or something.
String parameters="name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3";
HashMap<String, String> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] parameterPairs = parameters.split("&");
for (int i = 0; i < parameterPairs.length; i++) {
String[] nameAndValue = parameterPairs[i].split("=");
parameterMap.put(nameAndValue[0], nameAndValue[1]);
String name1Value = parameterMap.get("name1");
This is all untested code, and it has unchecked array bounds! Make sure you don't have extraneous '&' or '=' signs, since they'll mess up the parsing.