I created a certificate using OpenSSL. After getting the certificate signed I received a '.CER' file. I followed the instructions from a tutorial ("https://infyom.com/blog/how-to-enable-localhost-https-ssl-on-wamp-server") however I received the following error after running the "httpd - t" command in the command prompt:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 290 of C:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.23/conf/extr a/httpd-ssl.conf: SSLCACertificateFile: file 'C:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.23/conf/key/[name-of-cert].crt' does not exist or is empty".
I also noted that the certificate extension used in many of these tutorials are ".CRT". I found a question previoulsy asked and one of the answers said that it shouldn't matter but I'm still not sure: Do I need to convert .CER to .CRT for Apache SSL certificates? If so, how?.
Troubleshooting done so far:
I found the error, I added the extension while renaming the file so it was stored as "filename.cer.cer". I ran the "httpd- t" command again and it outputted "Syntax Ok".
Hope this helps someone else as well.