I mint the token to my account and it return transaction hash ,but I wnat to now this hash status .Like js can use callback function to wait this trx finished
var promise = await token.mint("my account",1)
transaction, err := erc721.Mint(trx, common.HexToAddress("my account"), big.NewInt(int64(i)))
if err != nil {
As mentioned in comment, you have to listen for event logs (preferably filtered for your address), and call for receipt after confirmation.
NOTE: Example is just to demonstrate necessary steps.
func waitForReceipt(c *ethclient.Client, hash, addr string) (*types.Receipt, error) {
query := ethereum.FilterQuery{
Addresses: []common.Address{addr},
var ch = make(chan types.Log)
sub, err := c.SubscribeFilterLogs(ctx, query, ch) // subscribe to all logs for addr
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for confirmed := false; !confirmed; { // wait for confirmation on blockchain
select {
case err := <-sub.Err():
return nil, err
case vLog := <-ch:
if vLog.TxHash.Hex() == hash {
confirmed = true
return c.TransactionReceipt(ctx, hash) // call for receipt