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How to explode a Python list of lists of coordinates into separate Pandas columns?

I have a Python list of lists of coordinates like the one below (let's call it sampled_list):

[[100, 5],
 [200, 1],
 [300, 2],
 [400, 3],
 [500, 9]]

What I would like to obtain is a Pandas DataFrame where its columns correspond to the X and Y coordinates, respectively. Resulting in something like below (let's call it df):

|   X   |  Y  |
| ----- | ----|
|  100  |  5  |
|  200  |  1  |
|  300  |  2  |
|  400  |  3  |
|  500  |  9  |

How can this be done? I have tried the .explode() method but with no luck since I get stuck with the resulting multi-index.


  • You simply need the DataFrame constructor:

    df = pd.DataFrame(sampled_list, columns=['X', 'Y'])


         X  Y
    0  100  5
    1  200  1
    2  300  2
    3  400  3
    4  500  9

    used input:

    sampled_list = [[100, 5],
                    [200, 1],
                    [300, 2],
                    [400, 3],
                    [500, 9]]