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Would the ability to declare Lisp functions 'pure' be beneficial?

I have been reading a lot about Haskell lately, and the benefits that it derives from being a purely functional language. (I'm not interested in discussing monads for Lisp) It makes sense to me to (at least logically) isolate functions with side-effects as much as possible. I have used setf and other destructive functions plenty, and I recognize the need for them in Lisp and (most of) its derivatives.

Here we go:

  1. Would something like (declare pure) potentially help an optimizing compiler? Or is this a moot point because it already knows?
  2. Would the declaration help in proving a function or program, or at least a subset that was declared as pure? Or is this again something that is unnecessary because it's already obvious to the programmer and compiler and prover?
  3. If for nothing else, would it be useful to a programmer for the compiler to enforce purity for functions with this declaration and add to the readability/maintainablity of Lisp programs?
  4. Does any of this make any sense? Or am I too tired to even think right now?

I'd appreciate any insights here. Info on compiler implementation or provability is welcome.


To clarify, I didn't intend to restrict this question to Common Lisp. It clearly (I think) doesn't apply to certain derivative languages, but I'm also curious if some features of other Lisps may tend to support (or not) this kind of facility.


  • You have two answers but neither touch on the real problem.

    First, yes, it would obviously be good to know that a function is pure. There's a ton of compiler level things that would like to know that, as well as user level things. Given that lisp languages are so flexible, you could twist things a bit: instead of a "pure" declaration that asks the compiler to try harder or something, you just make the declaration restrict the code in the definition. This way you can guarantee that the function is pure.

    You can even do that with additional supporting facilities -- I mentioned two of them in a comment I made to johanbev's answer: add the notion of immutable bindings and immutable data structures. I know that in Common Lisp these are very problematic, especially immutable bindings (since CL loads code by "side-effecting" it into place). But such features will help simplifying things, and they're not inconceivable (see for example the Racket implementation that has immutable pairs and other data structures, and has immutable bindings.

    But the real question is what can you do in such restricted functions. Even a very simple looking problem would be infested with issues. (I'm using Scheme-like syntax for this.)

    (define-pure (foo x)
      (cons (+ x 1) (bar)))

    Seems easy enough to tell that this function is indeed pure, it doesn't do anything . Also, seems that having define-pure restrict the body and allow only pure code would work fine in this case, and will allow this definition.

    Now start with the problems:

    1. It's calling cons, so it assumes that it is also known to be pure. In addition, as I mentioned above, it should rely on cons being what it is, so assume that the cons binding is immutable. Easy, since it's a known builtin. Do the same with bar, of course.

    2. But cons does have a side effect (even if you're talking about Racket's immutable pairs): it allocates a new pair. This seems like a minor and ignorable point, but, for example, if you allow such things to appear in pure functions, then you won't be able to auto-memoize them. The problem is that someone might rely on every foo call returning a new pair -- one that is not-eq to any other existing pair. Seems that to make it fine you need to further restrict pure functions to deal not only with immutable values, but also values where the constructor doesn't always create a new value (eg, it could hash-cons instead of allocate).

    3. But that code also calls bar -- so no you need to make the same assumptions on bar: it must be known as a pure function, with an immutable binding. Note specifically that bar receives no arguments -- so in that case the compiler could not only require that bar is a pure function, it could also use that information and pre-compute its value. After all, a pure function with no inputs could be reduced to a plain value. (Note BTW that Haskell doesn't have zero-argument functions.)

    4. And that brings another big issue in. What if bar is a function of one input? In that case you'd have an error, and some exception will get thrown ... and that's no longer pure. Exceptions are side-effects. You now need to know the arity of bar in addition to everything else, and you need to avoid other exceptions. Now, how about that input x -- what happens if it isn't a number? That will throw an exception too, so you need to avoid it too. This means that you now need a type system.

    5. Change that (+ x 1) to (/ 1 x) and you can see that not only do you need a type system, you need one that is sophisticated enough to distinguish 0s.

    6. Alternatively, you could re-think the whole thing and have new pure arithmetic operations that never throw exceptions -- but with all the other restrictions you're now quite a long way from home, with a language that is radically different.

    7. Finally, there's one more side-effect that remains a PITA: what if the definition of bar is (define-pure (bar) (bar))? It certainly is pure according to all of the above restrictions... But diverging is a form of a side effect, so even this is no longer kosher. (For example, if you did make your compiler optimize nullary functions to values, then for this example the compiler itself would get stuck in an infinite loop.) (And yes, Haskell doesn't deal with that, it doesn't make it less of an issue.)