I am trying to write a class that takes data where the dataframe IDs as strings and the values as DataFrames and create class attributes accessing the data.
I was able to write a small example of a similar class that needs the methods to be created in a static manner and return the objects as class methods but I would like to loop over the data, taking in the keys for the df
s and allow for access to each df
using attributes.
minimum working example
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pandas as pd
# re-writing as dataclass
class Dataset:
# data container dictionary as class attribute
dict = {'df1_id':pd.DataFrame({'col1':[1,1]}),
def df1_id(self) -> pd.DataFrame:# class method to create as class attribute
return dict['df1_id']
def df2_id(self) -> pd.DataFrame:# same class method above
return dict['df2_id']
def df3_id(self) -> pd.DataFrame:# same class method above
return dict['df3_id']
def dataframes_as_class_attributes(self):
# store the dfs to access as class attributes
# replacing 3 methods above
datasets = Dataset()
expected result
datasets = Dataset()
print(datasets.df1_id) # class attribute created by looping through the dict object
You could use setattr
like below:
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pandas as pd
class Dataset:
dict_ = {'df1_id':pd.DataFrame({'col1':[1,1]}),
def __post_init__(self):
for key, val in self.dict_.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
To avoid conflicts with python keywords put a single trailing underscore after variable name. (PEP 8)