I'm using Recharts with NextJS. I have a ComposedChart
of Line & Stacked Bars like this:
The Stacked Bars are being rendered from bottom to top, so the Tooltip's order also rendering in ascending order as the chart's state:
How can we change the order of the <Tooltip />
so it will render from the top of the bar to the bottom? (Ex: Yellow -> Gray -> Cyan -> Pastel Cyan)
Structure of a data object (Each one matches a stacked bar):
aggregated_month: "2021/08"
deep_sleep_uu: 192 // This one is Gray
latest_recovery_uu: 159 // Cyan
recovery_rate: 63.6 // Yellow line
recovery_uu: 176 // Pastel Cyan
total_uu: 527 // Number on top
aggregated_month: "2022/04"
latest_recovery_uu: 288 // Cyan
recovery_rate: 76.1 // Yellow
recovery_uu: 127 // Pastel Cyan
sleep_uu: 130 // Red bar
total_uu: 545 // Number on top
What I tried:
<Tooltip itemSorter={() => -1} />
- This is the default<Tooltip itemSorter={() => 1} />
- This doesn't work eitheritemSorter
has this signature -> itemSorter?: (item: Payload<TValue, TName>) => number | string
(code here), where payload
is the following object:
export interface Payload<TValue extends ValueType, TName extends NameType> {
type?: TooltipType;
color?: string;
formatter?: Formatter<TValue, TName>;
name?: TName;
value?: TValue;
unit?: ReactNode;
dataKey?: string | number;
payload?: any;
chartType?: string;
* You can check the payload object here
This means that you can sort the tooltip by any properties from payload.
Some sort examples:
SortBy name
itemSorter={(item) => {
return item.name as string;
SortBy value (ASC)
itemSorter={(item) => {
return item.value as number;
SortBy value (DESC)
itemSorter={(item) => {
return (item.value as number) * -1;
Custom sort
itemSorter={(item) => {
switch (item.dataKey) {
case "recovery_rate":
return 0;
case "deep_sleep_uu":
return 1;
case "latest_recovery_uu":
return 2;
return 3;
Said that, as i don´t know your entire code, i believe that what you want can be accomplish sorting by name.