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Converting an array of numbers in a Json to a SQL table


I have a table with a column that contains JSON data. The array size is not constant. The size can be as large as 999. However, the exact size can be figured out if needed (in this case it is 12).

Id int Identity(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
JsonCol nvarchar(max))

Sample JSON in the "JsonCol" column



I want to convert each JSON object to a result set as follows. Items in the array should be the column values of the result set.

JsonId 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
85 763 1356 1900 2419 2925 3420 3907 4389 4866 5338 5808 6274
90 923 1560 2136 2683 3211 3728 4235 4734 5228 5716 6201 6682


Approach 1: Here I would have to iterate through each array location and dump the required data to a temp table and dynamically form the result set

Declare @i nvarchar(max)= '0';
Declare @comm nvarchar(max) =
 'SELECT Id,JsonId,[Values]          
  FROM TB_PRACTICE             
  CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(JSON_QUERY(JsonCol, ''$''))             
  WITH (JsonId int ''$.JsonId'',           
  [Values] int ''$.Values['+@i+']'')           
  Where JsonCol not in ('''') '

Approach 2: Here, I will get data row wise and not column wise

   SELECT j1.JsonId, j2.[Values]
FROM OPENJSON((select top 1 JsonCol from TB_PRACTICE), '$') WITH (
    JsonId int '$.JsonId',
    [Values] nvarchar(max) '$.Values'  AS JSON
) j1
    [Values] int '$'
) j2 

Question Is there a simple way to achieve the requirement or do I have to use one of the above approaches to get the desired result set?


  • A dynamic statement is an option. The idea is to get all different indexes and build the WITH clause dynamically:

    DECLARE @stmt nvarchar(max)
    -- Generate the schema
    SELECT @stmt = (
       SELECT CONCAT(N', [', (ArrayId + 1), N'] int ''$.Values[', ArrayId , N']''')
       FROM (
          SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(int, j2.[key]) AS ArrayId
          FROM TB_PRACTICE t
          CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(t.JsonCol) j1
          CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(j1.[value], '$.Values') j2
       ) t
       ORDER BY ArrayId
       FOR XML PATH('')
    -- Generate the final statement
    SELECT @stmt = CONCAT(
       N'SELECT j.* ', 
       N'FROM TB_PRACTICE t ', 
       N'CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(t.JsonCol) WITH (', 
       N'JsonId int ''$.JsonId''', 
       N') j '
    -- Execute the statement
    DECLARE @err int
    EXEC @err = sp_executesql @stmt
    IF @err <> 0 PRINT 'Error'


    JsonId 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    85 763 1356 1900 2419 2925 3420 3907 4389 4866 5338 5808 6274
    86 790 1391 1941 2465 2975 3474 3965 4450 4929 5405 5877 6346
    87 820 1429 1984 2514 3028 3531 4025 4514 4997 5475 5950 6422
    88 851 1469 2031 2566 3085 3592 4090 4582 5068 5550 6028 6502
    89 885 1512 2081 2622 3146 3657 4160 4655 5145 5630 6111 6589
    90 923 1560 2136 2683 3211 3728 4235 4734 5228 5716 6201 6682