I need to mimic pandoc's way of turning a header's text into an acceptable id string in a Lua filter: remove special characters, turn spaces into dashes.
Is there a command to sanitize a string that way?
Ex: Les élèves d'hier
becomes: les-eleves-dhier
There is no such function built-in, but you can hack one by round-tripping a heading through one of the formats that pandoc supports. This will force the creation of a label that you can use:
local function make_id (inlines, via)
local via = via or 'html'
local heading = pandoc.Header(1, inlines)
local temp_doc = pandoc.Pandoc{heading}
local roundtripped_doc = pandoc.read(pandoc.write(temp_doc, via), via)
return roundtripped_doc.blocks[1].identifier
print(make_id(pandoc.Inlines "Les élèves d'hier"))
Will print les-élèves-dhier
. I believe the output should be the same for all roundtripable formats, but may it isn't.