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How to add lang::cpp:AST (Clair) to Rascal search path

After installing Clair onto Rascal 0.17.0

import lang::cpp::AST;

Gives the following error:

Could not import module lang::cpp::AST: can not find in search path

My Rascal project shows some search path entries, but not the Clair path.

Any suggestion as to how to make this work ?

Note that I tried installing Clair onto the latest version of Rascal (0.23), but that failed (so hence I used the older 0.17.0 version):

Missing requirement: clair (clair requires 'osgi.bundle; rascal_eclipse [0.17.0,0.19.0)' but it could not be found


  • I guess you need to add the following manually to your project.

    in MANIFEST.MF -> Require-Bundle: rascal_eclipse, clair

    in RASCAL.MF -> Require-Libraries: |lib://clair|