I create a boogle game, and I need to build a function that receives in input: the letter board (list of lists), the list of legal words and an integer n.
The function must return all n-length tracks of valid words. For example n = 3 then the function must return all the paths on the three-length board which are actually valid words.
I wrote a code that returns in a particular example one route out of three routes that must be returned.
board1 = [['Q', 'O', 'Q', 'Q'],
['D', 'O', 'G', 'Q'],
['Q', 'O', 'Q', 'Q'],
['Q', 'Q', 'Q', 'Q']]
word_dict = {'DOG': True}
n = 3
board = Board(board1)
length_n_paths(3, board, word_dict)
My Output:
[((1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2))]
Wanted Output:
[[(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2)], [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)], [(1, 0), (2, 1), (1, 2)]]
I used a combination, first I found all the possible combinations of letters of length n, then I went through a coordinate coordinate and checked if each coordinate is in a valid position according to the coordinate in front of it, and then I checked if the word coming out of the letter combination is a word from the word list. If so - I will return its path in a list with the other legal words paths.
my code:
class Board:
def __init__(self, board):
self.board = board
def get_board_coordinate(self):
cord_lst = []
row = len(self.board)
col = len(self.board[0])
for i in range(row):
for j in range(col):
cord_lst.append((i, j))
return cord_lst
def possible_directions(self, coordinate, next_coordinate):
y, x = coordinate
directions_funcs = {
# A dictionary that matches between a letter and the direction of the desired search
'Up': (y - 1, x),
'Down': (y + 1, x),
'Right': (y, x + 1),
'Left': (y, x - 1),
'Up_right': (y - 1, x + 1),
'Up_left': (y - 1, x - 1),
'Down_right': (y + 1, x + 1),
'Down_left': (y + 1, x + 1)
it_ok = False
for direction in direct_lst:
if directions_funcs[direction] == next_coordinate:
it_ok = True
return it_ok
def is_valid_path(board, path, words):
word = board.board[path[0][0]][path[0][1]]
board_coordinates = board.get_board_coordinate()
for cord in range(len(path)-1):
if path[cord] in board_coordinates and path[cord+1] in board_coordinates:
if not board.possible_directions(path[cord], path[cord + 1]):
return None
word += board.board[path[cord + 1][0]][path[cord + 1][1]]
return None
if word in set(words):
return word
import itertools
def create_dict(board, n):
new_dict = dict()
row = len(board.board)
col = len(board.board[0])
for i in range(row):
for j in range(col):
new_dict[(i, j)] = board.board[i][j]
result_list = list(map(list, itertools.combinations(new_dict.items(), n)))
return result_list
def coordinates_lst_and_str_lst(board, n):
combine = create_dict(board, n)
all_cord_dic = dict()
for lst in combine:
is_it_ok = True
cord_lst = []
str_l = ""
for i in range(n):
str_l += lst[i][1]
if not board.possible_directions(lst[i][0], lst[i + 1][0]):
is_it_ok = False
except IndexError:
if is_it_ok:
all_cord_dic[tuple(cord_lst)] = str_l
all_cord_dic[tuple(cord_lst)[::-1]] = str_l[::-1]
return all_cord_dic
def length_n_paths(n, board, words):
possible_words = coordinates_lst_and_str_lst(board, n)
my_dict = {key:val for key, val in possible_words.items() if val in words}
return list(my_dict.keys())
I think the problem is in the combination but I dont know how to fix it. I would be happy for any help.
After debugging, it's apparent that the result possible_words
does not contain the key (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2)
, so that explains why it's not part of the answer - so the question becomes why doesn't the call to coordinates_lst_and_str_lst()
generate that tuple (and the other 'missing' one)
If you break after constructing combine
in coordinates_lst_and_str_lst
, you will find that [((1, 0), 'D'), ((0, 1), 'O'), ((1, 2), 'G')]
is not in combine
, this means coordinates_lst_and_str_lst
can't find it as a solution.
So, the problem must be in create_dict
, which apparently isn't creating all the legal moves.
And indeed, in create_dict
, you use itertools.combinations()
, which gives you all the unique combinations of n
items from a collection, disregarding their order, but you care about the order.
So, you don't want itertools.combinations(new_dict.items(), n)
, you want itertools.permutations(new_dict.items(), n)
. Have a closer look at the difference between combinations and permutations (of size n).