at the moment I have a Flutter App that when I press a button it opens a Native Kotlin activity(mainActivity), once this executes I automatically open a SecondActivity that extends AppCompatActivity, the issue becomes is that I want to return a bool from the SecondActivity back to Flutter.
At the moment when the process finishes i use "finish()" to close my Native code and return to flutter successfully but I'd like to pass a result to Flutter.
I know how to do it from the mainActivity as it uses the FlutterActivity directly and can pass "result.success()", but from the different activity I can't find a solution.
I was wondering if somebody can tell me how to pass the bool from the secondActivity to Flutter.
Thank you very much everyone in advance!
It works exactly the same. Store Result in class property and call one of its methods from onActivityResult when the second activity finishes. Something like this:
class YourPlugin ... {
private var pendingResult: Result? = null
override fun onMethodCall(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) {
pendingResult = result
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, intent: Intent?): Boolean {
return false