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Failure to use ml5.js image classification model-Error: Based on the provided shape, [1,64,64,4], the tensor should have 16384 values but has 20155392

I trained an image classification neural network model written in ml5.js. When I try to use the model files in a p5.js web editor, I get an error 'Based on the provided shape, [1,64,64,4], the tensor should have 16384 values but has 20155392'.

The code is in this p5 sketch - (clicking on the arrow in the top right corner will show the files).
When I run a local server on a web page with the same structure, I see 'model ready!' (a confirmation that the model has loaded) and that's it.

I read a lot of comments that the bin file may be corrupt - I saved the model myself producing the bin file so it should be ok. As suggested here by the author of very similar code,, adding pixelDensity(1) in setup() doesn't help.

I am new to machine learning, could someone please help? Thank you in advance.


  • The model was trained with images 64x64 px so the input test image must be the same size.

    1944 (original image width) * 2592 (original image height) * 4 (number of channels) = 20155392. The tensor should have 64 (image width) * 64 (image height) * 4 (number of channels) = 16387 values. This is what the error refers to.

    enter image description here

    The copy() method used originally didn't resize the input image properly. The correct way to resize the image is inputImage.resize(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT).

    Working sketch: