If i try to display user.meniu.pret
inside the map function it wont display anything. user.meniu[0].pret
displays values but wont give me the final results i want
How can i fetch the data and display the values inside the response.menu ?
function App() {
const [users, setUsers] = useState();
const [meniu, setMeniu] = useState()
const getApiData = async () => {
const response = await fetch(
).then((response) => response.json());
setMeniu(response[1].meniu) // <----------- SAVES VALUES
setMeniu(response.meniu) // <------------ UNDEFINED
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
{users &&
users.map((user) => (
<div className="item-container" key={user._id}>
Id: <b> {user.restaurant} </b> <br/>
Restaurant: {user.meniu.pret} // <------- WONT DISPLAY ANYTHING. user.meniu[0].pret works fine
<button onClick={() => console.log(meniu)}>aaaa </button>
is an array not an object. This is the reason why user.meniu.pret
gives you undefined while user.meniu[0].pret
lets you access the property pret
of the first object of the array user.meniu
Now, if you want to save all the fetched menius in the state you can do:
setMeniu(response.map(r => r.meniu)); // remember that the meniu state now will be an array of objects
Now, if you want to display all the pret values from each object of the array you can simply do:
<div className="item-container" key={user._id}>
Id: <b> {user.restaurant} </b> <br/>
Restaurant: {meniu.map(m => m.priet)}
Or if you want to use the user object you can do:
<div className="item-container" key={user._id}>
Id: <b> {user.restaurant} </b> <br/>
Restaurant: {user.meniu.map(m => m.priet)}