Consider: word1.word2.worda-wordb-wordc.ext
Is there a regular expression capture and replace string that can be used to obtain as result: worda wordb wordc
using perl compatible regular expressions?
I know you can capture the group of words a,b,c with: /.+?\..+?\.(.+?)\.ext$/$1/
, but I don't know how to additionally replace dash (-
) characters by space (
) characters only within that group.
you can assume that:
looking for a one line /regex/replace/
, not a script.
You can use this regex search-replace:
And replace it with:
$1 $2
worda wordb wordc
RegEx Details:
: Start non-capture group
: Start(?:[^.\n]+\.)*?
: Match 1+ non-dot strings followed by a dot. Repeat this group 0 or more times (lazy match)(?=[^.\n]+\.ext$)
: Must be followed by a <anything-but-dot.ext>
and end position|
: OR(?!^)\G
: Start the next match from end of the previous match)
: End non-capture group(
: Start capture group #1
: Match and capture a non-hyphen substring in capture group #1)
: End capture group #1-
: Match a -
: Start non-capture group
: Match and capture non-dot, non-hyphen substring in capture group #2\.
: Match a dot.+
: Followed by extension)?
: End non-capture group, ?
makes this an optional matchPS: You can remove \n
everywhere from above regex when matching a single line input.