I need to write a 5MB block of data obtained from /dev/urandom to a partition, at a specific location in the partition. I then need to check that the write executed correctly. I was previously successfully doing this in C++, but now I would like to implement it in a bash script.
My C++ code consisted of:
Im not experienced with writing bash scripts but this is what I've got so far, although it doesn't seem to work:
random_data="$(cat /dev/urandom | head -c<5MB>)"
printf $random_data | dd of=<partition_path> bs=1 seek=<position_in_partition> count=<5MB>
file_data=$(dd if=<partition_path> bs=1 skip=<position_in_partition> count=<5MB>)
if [ "$random_data" == "$file_data" ]
echo "data write successful"
Thanks to the helpful commenters my script now looks something like this:
# get 10MB random data
head -c<10MB> /dev/urandom > random.bin
# write 10MB random data to partition
dd if=random.bin of=<partition_location>
# copy the written data
dd if=<partition_location> count=<10MB/512 bytes> of=newdata.bin
# compare
cmp random.bin newdata.bin
At this point cmp returns that the first char is different. Looking at a verbose output of cmp and turns out all values in newdata.bin are 0.
Here's a simpler approach which just saves the data in a temporary file.
set -e
random_data=$(mktemp -t ideone.XXXXXXXX) || exit
trap 'rm -rf "$t"' EXIT
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10240 count=512 of="$random_data"
dd if="$random_data" of=<partition_path> bs=1 seek=<position_in_partition> count=<5MB>
if dd if=<partition_path> bs=1 skip=<position_in_partition> count=<5MB> |
cmp "$random_data"
echo "data write successful"