Currently i'm trying to work more with numpy typing to make my code clearer however i've somehow reached a limit that i can't currently override.
Is it possible to specify a specific shape and also the corresponding data type? Example:
datatype= np.int32
My attempts so far look like the following (but all just threw errors):
First attempt:
import numpy as np
def foo(x: np.ndarray[(4,), np.dtype[np.int32]]):
result -> 'numpy._DTypeMeta' object is not subscriptable
Second attempt:
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
def foo(x: npt.NDArray[(4,), np.int32]):
result -> Too many arguments for numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
Also, unfortunately, I can't find any information about it in the documentation or I only get errors when I implement it the way it is documented.
Currently, numpy.typing.NDArray
only accepts a dtype, like so: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.int32]
. You have some options though.
allows you to create an alias for a type and to bundle some extra information with it.
In some
you would write all variations of shapes you want to hint:
from typing import Annotated, Literal, TypeVar
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
DType = TypeVar("DType", bound=np.generic)
Array4 = Annotated[npt.NDArray[DType], Literal[4]]
Array3x3 = Annotated[npt.NDArray[DType], Literal[3, 3]]
ArrayNxNx3 = Annotated[npt.NDArray[DType], Literal["N", "N", 3]]
And then in
, you can supply a numpy dtype and use them as typehint:
import numpy as np
from my_types import Array4
def foo(arr: Array4[np.int32]):
assert arr.shape == (4,)
MyPy will recognize arr
to be an np.ndarray
and will check it as such. The shape checking can be done at runtime only, like in this example with an assert
If you don't like the assertion, you can use your creativity to define a function to do the checking for you.
def assert_match(arr, array_type):
hinted_shape = array_type.__metadata__[0].__args__
hinted_dtype_type = array_type.__args__[0].__args__[1]
hinted_dtype = hinted_dtype_type.__args__[0]
assert np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, hinted_dtype), "DType does not match"
assert arr.shape == hinted_shape, "Shape does not match"
assert_match(some_array, Array4[np.int32])
Another option would be to use 3th party lib nptyping
(yes, I am the author).
You would drop
as it would be of no use anymore.
would become something like:
from nptyping import NDArray, Shape, Int32
def foo(arr: NDArray[Shape["4"], Int32]):
assert isinstance(arr, NDArray[Shape["4"], Int32])
+ typing.Annotated
There is also another 3th party lib called beartype
that you could use. It can take a variant of the typing.Annotated
approach and will do the runtime checking for you.
You would reinstate your
with content similar to:
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.vale import Is
from typing import Annotated
import numpy as np
Int32Array4 = Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[lambda array:
array.shape == (4,) and np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.int32)]]
Int32Array3x3 = Annotated[np.ndarray, Is[lambda array:
array.shape == (3,3) and np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.int32)]]
And your
would become:
import numpy as np
from beartype import beartype
from my_types import Int32Array4
def foo(arr: Int32Array4):
... # Runtime type checked by beartype.
+ nptyping
You could also stack up both libraries.
can be removed again and your
would become something like:
from nptyping import NDArray, Shape, Int32
from beartype import beartype
def foo(arr: NDArray[Shape["4"], Int32]):
... # Runtime type checked by beartype.