I have a table called transactions which contains Customer Name (custname), Transaction Date (trxdate). I need to delete values older than 3 months.
trxdate is CHAR (6) in format YYMMDD
like 220611
I am using this in an SQLRPGLE
but it is not working meaning that the table does not get modified after running it, I tried that too from DBeaver for the same result.
Delete from Trans WHERE trxdate < CURRENT DATE- 3 MONTHS;
I am thinking that CURRENT DATE is wrong, so how to convert that to YYMMDD
If you are using DB2 you can try:
select TO_DATE('220611', 'YYMMDD') trx from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1;
First, you need to convert char data to date type to compare.
Delete from Trans WHERE TO_DATE(trxdate, 'YYMMDD')< CURRENT DATE- 3 MONTHS;
For other database systems, the logic is same.